Meet the Iconfactory Workers
We push pixels - so you don't have to!

I graduated from Appalachian State University (UNC Boone) in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina with a degree in Fine Arts. I have been using Macs since the Mac Plus and the first Mac I owned was an SE/30. I was inspired to make my first icon set (Star Trek Starships) by Talos' (the 3D icon master) Star Wars set. I have a loving wife, a beautiful almost two year old little girl and twin boys coming this summer.
I never thought making little pictures with tiny squares would turn into a real business, but here we are, having a great time and making some money while doing it!
Personal homepage:
Favorite icon set of my own design:
SketchCons vol 1
Favorite icon set from another author:
Friendly Icons by Andreas Lindkvist
Most frequently visited non-icon web site:
Advice for icon artist beginners:
Start simple, draw stuff you like
Apple product I miss most:
PowerBook Duo

I was born and raised in Laconia, New Hampshire and was interested in computers from a very early age. My first computer was an Apple IIe which was mainly used for games of Choplifter and drawing stick figures in MacPaint. I used my first Macintosh while working toward my BA in Graphic Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Although I had no prior formal art training, I was blessed with wonderful professors, and graduated from my under grad program in 1992. I went on to receive my MFA in Electronic Media Design from RIT in 1994.
Talos and I had met while attending RIT and chanced to be hired by the same company out of college in Greensboro, NC. The small multimedia firm was called Paradigm interactive and this is where we met our friend Corey Marion and formed the original Iconfactory.
While completing my graduate degree, I met the love of my life, Mindy Weaver in an AOL chat room. We met and fell in love...we've been together ever since.
Personal homepage:
Don't have one... The Iconfactory is my life :-)
Favorite icon set of my own design:
Echelon 8.5
Favorite icon set from another author:
Dave's Austin Powers Icons
Most frequently visited non-icon web site:
MacCentral, The DeskStop, MacNN
Advice for icon artist beginners:
Persistence... don't give up if you're having a hard time drawing icons. Just like anything, its usually difficult at first, but the more you do it the easier it gets. The key is to keep at it until you're happy with what you're doing.
Apple product I miss most:
My Apple LaserWriter Select 310. It was a good little printer until Mac OS 8.5 came out and Apple decided not to update the drivers... :-(

I was born and grew up in Hong Kong. I then spent 4 years in England for education. I transferred to the US for my second year of college in 1989. I lived in upstate NY for 5 years for both of my degrees. Right after graduate school, I moved down here to North Carolina with a job offer. I met Gedeon back in my second year of college at RIT. Both Gedeon and I met Corey via our first job. (Yeah, we both got the same job offer.)
My first computer was an Atari 400/800...yeah Star Raiders! The first Mac I used was back in 1991 taking computer classes as electives. I learned Aldus Freehand, Photoshop & Quark, as well as a Font editor that allowed me to make my own typefaces.
The first Mac I owned was a IIsi, followed by a Quadra 950, and then a PowerWave (clone), a Newton message pad, and finally my blue & white G3.
Personal homepage:
Favorite icon set of my own design:
Yosemite, World of Copland
Favorite icon set from another author:
very hard..... all those icon artist who contribute to IconTown! and the guy who runs it!
Most frequently visited non-icon web site:,,,
Advice for icon artist beginners:
Dont be afraid to experiment!
Apple product I miss most:
Newton OS

Craig likes to play with his Mac. For typing, for drawing, for learning, for building cool stuff. When he's not chained to the keyboard, he can be found body surfing, getting paint on his jeans, talking with friends or eating paper napkins. He also likes to chase kids while making strange noises. It ain't easy being a software developer. Check out his resume if you'd like.
Craig is the brains behind the brawn of our way cool shareware package IconDropper. Get it now if for some unthinkable reason you don't already have it. And please be sure to register so we can continue bringing you the kind of quality products you have come to expect from the Iconfactory.
Craig came on board after he and the Iconfactory collaborated on IconDropper and it was released successfully to the public. It was a perfect fit for our market. Craig also writes cool Photoshop filters. Check them out at Furbo-Filters.

I was born in Massachusetts, but lived all over growing up, from the mountains of upstate New York to the Florida Keys. My mother and father were both Mensans, so I was able to see one of the first Apple kits when the Mensa geeks brought it to a conventions. My first job was with Motorola, so I got my hands on one of the very first Macintosh 128's! I also spent long hours playing Castle Wolfenstein on my friend Bob's Apple II. Oddly, I didn't buy my first Mac until 3 years ago. I bought an SE/30 for $200. Still have it, still use it! I am totally hooked on Macs, and I am glad I can contribute to the the Mac user community in such a fun way. Oh - and my little hobby is collecting old Mac software and anything to do with eWorld!
I currently live in Gainesville, Florida, although I am preparing to move to Stockholm, Sweden to marry the love of my life, Kate.
Personal homepage:
Favorite icon set of my own design:
Favorite icon set from another author:
Hype Hair, from Marmalade Moon!
Most frequently visited non-icon web site:
MacWeek, Info-Newt, SNAG
Advice for icon artist beginners:
Don't worry too much if your icons are not the best ever seen - just make a lot of them! It's like being a photographer - if you shoot a *lot* of pictures, some of them are bound to be good. The more you make, the better you will get.
Apple product I miss most:
eWorld! (*sniff*) :-(
About The Workers... |