Happy Turkey Day! (11.25.99) - Everyone here at The Iconfactory wishes you and your loved ones a happy, safe and yummie Thanksgiving. Don't forget to dress up your Mac with some appropriate holiday patterns & pictures over at our sister site, The Deskstop. You can also download our "More Kidcons" icon collection which has icons of favorite holidays, including Thanksgiving. The easiest way to download this set is to do a simple search for "turkey" in our icon search engine. Have fun and enjoy the day!
Own A Piece of Apple History (11.25.99) - Just a quick note to let interested parties know that Talos would like to sell his upgraded Newton Messagepad 2000 . If you're interested in this item, drop Talos a line at xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx. Thanks!
Pixelpalooza Y2K Looms (11.22.99) - Our annual icon design contest - Pixelpalooza, is due to start on December 1st. Icon artists will have until midnight, February 1st to submit their entries, and while we're still finalizing the details & prizes of the contest, you can count on a few new twists to this year's judging. One of new aspects to this year's contest will be the addition of a "People's Choice Award" where visitors will get to vote on their favorite icon sets. Full contest rules and guidelines will be posted here at The Iconfactory just as soon as we can. Keep your eyes peeled!
World of Copland: 5 Update (11.22.99) - Due to a slight formatting oversight on the workers parts, if you downloaded WOC: 5 prior to 10am e.s.t. on 11.21.99, and you use a pre-Mac OS 8.5 system, the icons may not be showing up correctly on your desktop. If so, you'll want to visit the Showroom and re-download the collection. We apologize for the inconvenience.
World of Copland for the People! (11.19.99) - The Iconfactory is proud to announce the latest offering in our popular World of Copland icon collections - Volume 5! What makes this set of over 60 freeware icons so special? Well, a few months ago we asked our visitors for ideas about what they'd like to see in the next WOC installment. We received a ton of email on the subject, and about 75% of the icons contained in this set are based directly on suggestions from our fans. In addition, we've tried to focus more on every day objects this time around instead of going the total "techno-geek" route. We hope you enjoy this latest offering into the 3D realm of Copland, and thanks to everyone who took the time to write with suggestions, even if your idea didn't make it into the final set. Enjoy!
Interview With The Foreman (11.19.99) - We are pleased to inform you that MacDaily.com has published an
on-line interview with the man who makes it all happen here at the 'Factory, Gedeon Maheux! Find out how it all started , where he comes from, how he draws those terrific icons and how he manages to keep the Workers from falling asleep at the pixel-switch!
Farewell, Iconplanet... (11.16.99) - All of the workers at the Iconfactory are saddened to learn that Noel Green has decided to close down his top-quality freeware icon site, Iconplanet. Noel has provided the Mac community with many, many terrific icon sets during his stewardship of the 'Planet, and we will certainly miss his enthusiasm and tireless promotion of icon art. Noel, we thank you for all the hard work you put in, and we look forward to seeing what your next project will be.
Its Not Easy Using A PC (11.11.99) - We don't usually plug individual sites here on the IF home page, but in this one case we're going to make an exception. We were turned onto a site for Windows users this morning called Virtual Plastic: Surgery for Windows. The site illustrates just what kind of effort WIN users must go through to customize the look and feel of their desktop/icons/windows, and makes the process as painless as possible. We thought we should mention it, not only for all those poor WIN users out there, but also to remind us Mac heads about what we have and how awesome it really is. If customizing your WIN desktop is as complex as "surgery", then customizing your Mac would be "a walk in the park." :-)
A Note About Registering Our Software (11.5.99) - We want to take a moment to give a reminder to anyone who is thinking about registering IconDropper or IconBuilder: When you register, we send you your program's serial number via e-mail. Its very important that the e-mail address you supply when registering is an active or non-filtered address. We've been having problems lately with users who register from services like AOL and who block e-mail from certain sources (like internet mail). We can't get you your serial number if we can't e-mail it to you. So, if you don't receive your serial number within 48-72 hours, this is probably the reason and you'll need to contact us. Just a reminder.
Upgrades for IconDropper, IconBuilder Now Available (10.27.99) - Our Chief Typist, Craig Hockenberry, has released himself from his self-imposed coding prison. We're proud to announce the public release of upgrades to both IconDropper (v. 3.2.2) and IconBuilder (v. 2.01). If you use either/both of these applications and you're planning on upgrading to Mac OS 9, we suggest you download the updates today. Both of these upgrades are free for registered users. So what's new? Here is the complete (but short) list:
IconDropper 3.2.2
Added compatibility for Mac OS 9
Tools updated for future use with iControl
Fixed a memory problem with icon previews
IconBuilder 2.01
Added compatibility for Mac OS 9
So now you're asking yourself "What's iControl?". iControl is a new piece of shareware from The Iconfactory that will let Mac users set all of the icons contained in the System Folder (plus the trash can) at once. We hope to release iControl by the end of the year. Watch for iControl updates in the weeks ahead.
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Sunday, Nov. 28th |