Star Wars™ Minifigs Star Wars LEGO Minifigs by G.M. & D.B.
Star Wars ©1999 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
LEGO ©1999
LEGO, Inc.

NewtCons NewtCons by Dave Brasgalla
Coming Soon

Yo Drives Yo Drives by Talos Tsui
Yosemite Icons ©1999 The Iconfactory

NanoPets NanoPets by Dave Brasgalla
NanoPets ©1999 The Iconfactory

Star Wars: TPM Star Wars: TPM by T.T. & D.B.
Star Wars ©1999 Lucasfilm, Ltd.

SketchCons SketchCons™ by Corey Marion
SketchCons ©1999 The Iconfactory

Echelon 8.5 Echelon 8.5 by Gedeon Maheux
With KAL scheme by Albie Wong
Echelon ©1999 The Iconfactory

Final Yosemite Final Yosemite by Talos Tsui
Yosemite Folders ©1999 The Iconfactory
Works BEST with Mac OS 8.5

Spring Fling Spring Fling by Dave Brasgalla
Spring Fling ©1999 The Iconfactory

Austin Powers Austin Powers By D.B., G.M. & T.T.
AP ©1999 New Line Cinema
Available for a limited time ONLY!

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Showroom inventory: 10 sets

Here in the showroom you can find the iconfactory's latest creations as well as previews of future icon sets. The most recent icon sets are at the top.