iconfactory is corey marion, gedeon maheux, and talos tsui
because of our sudden popularity (over 2000 hits in one day!) due to the evangelist (thanks Guy!) and a thoughtful e-mail from a fellow mac enthusiast, we decided to add some legal stuff. all icons downloaded from this page are copyright of their respective owners. star trek is copyright paramount. batman and all characters are copyright dc comics. the far side is copyright universal press syndicate. star wars is copyright lucasfilm. they MAY NOT be sold individually or in any packaged form. if they are distributed the contained read me! files MUST remain with the icons at all times.
starships1 - 30 star trek icons - (54 Kb)
download | go to corey's homepage
available 7.24.96 | go to corey's homepage
50 looney tunes icons - (136 Kb)
download | go to gedeon's homepage
57 batman icons - (128 Kb)
download | go to gedeon's homepage
11 cool folder icons - (40 Kb)
download | go to gedeon's homepage
23 far side comic strip icons - (46 Kb)
download | go to gedeon's homepage
39 star wars icons - (100 Kb)
download | go to talos' homepage
more coming soon!
this page was created with adobe photoshop, world wide web weaver, and gif builder on macintosh computers. we are dedicated to the seemingly nonexistent art of creating icons for the mac that actually look good. any questions, comments, or requests should be sent to icnfactory@aol.com..